Workplace research & -training

Are you, or is your employee, not sitting well in your or his/hers, workplace? Do you have physical complaints (arms, neck or shoulders). Or do you want a check to avoid overburdening? No problem, we are here to help you. Also remotely. Sign up for the Workplace research & -training. At the office or online.

Workplace research & -training (@home or @the office)

The Workplace research & -training is a workplace research of 60 minutes for employees who have physical complaints or have questions about their work space and working posture. You and your employee will receive a report of the findings and a concrete advice. As a general rule, one consult is sufficient. If necessary, a maximum of 2 follow-up appointments of 45 minutes will follow.


Workplace research & -training: €335,00 excl. VAT
Follow up (max. 2): €240,00 excl. VAT per follow up

Workplace research & -training online

The Workplace research & -training online is a video consultation of 60 minutes for employees who have physical complaints or have questions about their work space and working posture. In addition to the video consultation, you will receive a report of the findings and a concrete advice for the occupational physician and employee. As a general rule, one video consultation is sufficient. If necessary, a maximum of 2 follow-up appointments of 45 minutes will follow.

Video consultation

During the video consultation, you (or your employee) sees and speaks to a company physiotherapist via a video link. Because of the privacy-sensative information that will be discussed, this connection is extra secure.


Workplace research & -training online: €205,00 excl. VAT
Follow up online: €102,50 excl. VAT per follow up

Why choose  ?

LIJV helps you or your employee with improving the workplace, working posture and style of working. We provide insight into a healthy way of working. Simple, without fuss.

Zitten jouw medewerkers lekker in hun vel? Dan zitten ze beter op hun plek - letterlijk en figuurlijk. Dat uit zich in meer werkplezier, meer motivatie, meer betrokkenheid, betere prestaties en een duurzamere inzetbaarheid.